Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Arrest 1% Criminals Or Have Economic Serfdom With Unpayable, Increasing Debt

(Carl Herman) cause trillions in damages to our families every year in OBVIOUS lies:
 1% US “leaders” in economic management from government and finance/banking
  1. They tell us debt is “money” in Orwellian psychopathic viciousness. Adding more debt, as these mechanics can only do, will only and always increase the debt. This “monetary system” also guarantees total debt is perpetual and unpayable, making the 99% permanent debt-slaves to 1% asset-holes (documentation hereherehere). The mechanics and mathematics of only being able to add negative numbers to existing negative numbers is certain and simple.
  2. Government Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) have literal multiple trillions in surplus taxpayer assets, as they fraudulently claim deficits “forcing” austerity upon the 99%. For example, California’s own CAFR proves a ~$16 billion claimed budget deficit is absolutely refuted by ~$100 billion in liquid surplus funds and ~$500 billion in claimed investments (explanation and complete documentation here, television interview to explain here, documentation of official lies to keep this information hidden here).
  3. They lie in omission by keeping obvious solutions secret: including government directly paying for all public goods and services with debt-free money created by government (and here). Several models (and here) of cost-free government are known, beginning with Benjamin Franklin’s pamphleton colonial Pennsylvania operating its government without taxes to Thomas Edison explaining debt-free money with Henry Ford in a 1921 summer media tour.
In fact, government could (and should) be the employer of last resort for infrastructure (hard – like roads, and soft – like health care, education). Such a structure would provide full-employment, the best infrastructure we can imagine, and falling prices because infrastructure creates more economic output than the infrastructure investment cost (documentation hereherehere).
Want these solutions realized?
Then you’ll need to think, speak, and act for arrests of the 1% OBVIOUS War Criminals and banksters, or YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANYTHING BUT MORE DEBT, WARS, AND LIES.
Arrest the obvious criminals or repeat history. Is that the future you would gift to your children and grandchildren, or are you ready for victory now?
Article appeared first on Washington’s Blog

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