Friday, October 4, 2013

If You Are What You Eat, Then Are YOU Cooked, Processed And Dead?

 How much of what you eat has been heated to over 118 degrees? Exactly which ingredients in your favorite foods are synthetic and made in a laboratory to preserve or “spice up” your dishes? Did you know most “added” and “fortified” vitamins and minerals are useless, and the body is simply unable to assimilate, use or even identify “dead” food? The worst part about dead food is that much of it is actually toxic and carcinogenic, slowing down normal digestive processes and draining REAL nutrients, thus catering to lethargy, weakened immunity and many common ailments.
You may have heard of LIVE food promoting life, and conversely, dead food speeding up the aging process (or death), but did you know that RAW food can reverse the aging process? Consider this: if your daily intake consisted of 80 percent raw organic fruits and vegetables (or more) every day, and all of those LIVE nutrients made you feel “alive” and energetic all day, how much more would you enjoy everything you do?
• Do you feel cooked (tired)? Does your brain ever feel “fried”?
• If you are eating processed foods, does that mean you are partially synthetic too?
• Do you really feel “alive” every day when you wake up and after “big” meals, or do you just want to lay down and sleep it all off?
Are you 100% human?
What animal, insect or microorganism’s DNA were contained in the last three meals you ate? Are you growing pesticide inside your gut? Biotechnology scientists are in labs right now figuring out new ways to kill insects, worms, beetles, fungus, and weeds by inserting the DNA of other species and pesticides into seeds. Could you be altering your cells and turning them synthetic by consuming synthetic food? Of course you can. It’s called synthetic biology.
GM wheat can cause liver failure. GM corn can cause cancer tumors. This is how your body reacts to genetically mutated food. It wants no part of it. You are not a bug or a weed. Do not eat bug or weed killer. ( As Health Ranger Mike Adams wrote, “GMOs are an anti-human technology. They threaten the continuation of life on our planet. They are a far worse threat than terrorism, or even the threat of nuclear war.”
Is your energy drained? Learn how to END brain fog and lethargy
It’s time to understand that your symptoms are your body’s way of telling you (like your automobile does) to “check fluid.” Your body needs to constantly be firing on ALL cylinders so it won’t break down when you need it most, and that’s every day of your life. (
Do you eat GMO food? How often? Did you know that pesticides destroy good gut bacteria (your flora)? “Over the past few years, a few pioneers of western medicine have connected most health problems to an unhealthy gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. Hippocrates proclaimed all disease begins in the gut. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine has known this for thousands of years. Most of mainstream modern medicine has yet to accept recent rediscoveries of this fact. And the acceptance gap has just increased. GI tract connections to mental health have been established.
“This means that not only is your energy totally drained out of you, but your mental capacity, your balance, your central nervous system, it’s all being thrown out of wack! The digestive system is home to TRILLIONS of microorganisms, like an amazing ecosystem living in harmony. Synthetic food and food laced with insecticide and fluoride is the MAIN ROOT CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE TODAY. Do you have heart disease, auto immune disorder or allergies?
You could have optimal energy and banish “brain fog” and lethargy forever! You have immediate control over this. Radically improve your health and level of energy starting here. Remember, you are what you eat, so eat “LIVE” FOOD and you’ll feel ALIVE.
Article appeared first on Natural News

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